Round robin scheduling in C with arrival time
Round robin process scheduling algorithm in C with gantt chart. #include<stdio.h> struct p{ int no,bt,at,rbt,ct; }; int front=-1,rear=-1,n,pt=0,total=0; int q[30]; struct p process[25]; void add(int c) //Insert element c into the queue { if(front==-1) front=0; q[++rear]=c; } int rem() //Remove element and return it from the queue { if(rear<front) { front=rear=-1; return -1; } else return q[front++]; } void insert(int pos,int c) //Insert element c into the queue at a given position { int df,dr; df=front; dr=rear; int i; for(i=dr;i>=pos;i--) { q[i+1]=q[i]; } q[pos]=c; rear++; } void printq() //Print the queue { int i; if(front!=-1 && front<=rear) for(i=front;i<=rear;i++) { printf("%...